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A photo of previous and current members of the group. 8 people stand smiling outside a film screening venue

The Film Liberation Project is a film & visual arts collective, aimed at demystifying the 'doing' and breaking down barriers to art. It mixes film-making and visual arts with writing, painting, poetry, music, design, gardening, teaching & learning, theory, community screenings and cooking, adding in healthy dose of kindness, a large helping of DIY ethics, superb taste in cinema and impeccable dress sense


The Film Liberation Projects aim is to be a creative community for anyone who wants it. A place where ideas can grow into real things; collaborations can be born, expression nurtured, skills developed, stories told, experimentation encouraged and help can always be found…a real community attuned to creativity. You know that intoxicating buzz of being with other creative people & the endless benefits it has…a place for that 

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